Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are revolutionizing the way data is collected. From mapping construction sites to measuring the foundations of buildings, drones can gather detailed information about work sites from thousands of 2D aerial photographs. There is no need for complex surveying equipment or manual land control. With the help of multispectral analysis, drones can collect an enormous amount of diverse data through remote sensing, such as temperature, salinity, sediment load, dissolved oxygen, pH and biological load indicators.
Scientists then process and analyze the data collected by drones to create rapid response models. Drones are also valued for the images and video images they collect, but they can now be expanded with more sophisticated equipment, such as thermal cameras, LiDAR sensors, electromagnetic energy (EME) sensors and multispectral sensors. A drone inspection is up to ten times faster and reduces the exposure of personnel to hazardous conditions. The widespread use of drones in mapping, inspection and agricultural management has made them a common commercial application. However, before drones can be socially accepted, widespread education about drone technology and regulations will be a prerequisite. Drone technology is so advanced that anyone with a superficial knowledge of electronics can learn to fly drones with just a little practice. In any case, drones are becoming increasingly capable of storing other types of information, such as radio signals, soil moisture, emissions from factories and geodetic data, including precision measurements for terrestrial studies.
As more and more drones take to the skies to survey land, map neighborhoods, evaluate crops and monitor traffic, they generate enormous amounts of data. From real estate agents to construction foremen, drones can collect useful data for many different purposes. By now, it's clear that UAVs are an invaluable tool for collecting data quickly and accurately. With the right knowledge and practice, anyone can unlock the power of drones to collect data.